Sharing Ideas, Shaping Minds

Our Publications

Our publications stand as a testament to the rich culture of research, creativity, and academic excellence nurtured within our institution. They encompass a diverse range of works, including groundbreaking research papers, insightful journals, thought-provoking articles, and innovative studies. These contributions reflect the dedication, hard work, and intellectual curiosity of our students, faculty, and research scholars. Each publication serves as a vital platform for sharing ideas, discoveries, and advancements, playing a crucial role in expanding the horizons of knowledge across multiple disciplines.

By addressing contemporary issues, exploring emerging trends, and offering fresh perspectives, our publications contribute significantly to the global academic community. They provide a valuable reference for students, researchers, and professionals, inspiring further exploration and innovation.


Recent Publications

1. Moorchilot, V. S., Louis, H., Haridas, A., Praveena, P., Arya, S. B., Nair, A. S., ... & Aravindakumar, C. T. (2025).
   Bisphenols in indoor dust: A comprehensive review of global distribution, exposure risks, transformation, and
   biomonitoring. Chemosphere, 370, 143798.

2. Smailov, B. M., Beisenbayev, O. K., Anarbayev, A. A., Zakirov, B. S., & Aravind, U. K. (2025). Influence of granule
   structure mineral fertilizers for their physical and chemical properties. Kompleksnoe Ispolzovanie Mineralnogo
   Syra= Complex use of mineral resources, 335(4), 26-33.

3. Aradhana, K. S., Moorchilot, V. S., Joo, T., Aravindakumar, C. T., & Aravind, U. K. (2024). Spider Webs as Passive Monitors
   of Microplastic and Its Copollutants in Indoor Environments. ACS Omega.

4. Unnikrishnan, A., Nazim, M. A., Aravindakumar, C. T., & Aravind, U. K. (2024). Abundance of low-molecular-weight phthalates
   among contaminants of emerging concerns in a riverine system. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,
   12(6), 114574.

5. Nandan, S. P., Moorchilot, V. S., Asokan, A., Turabdzhanov, S., Mirzarakhmatov, U., Rakhimova, L., ... & Aravind, U. K. (2024).
   Coir based biofiltration system for enhanced removal of water pollutants. Next Sustainability, 4, 100045.

6. Unnikrishan, A., Khalid, N. K., Rayaroth, M. P., Thomas, S., Nazim, A., Aravindakumar, C. T., & Aravind, U. K. (2024).
   Occurrence and distribution of steroid hormones (estrogen) and other contaminants of emerging concern0
   in a South Indian water body. Chemosphere, 351, 141124.

7. Gopalakrishnan, A., Janardhanan, D. V., Sasi, S., Aravindakumar, C. T., & Aravind, U. K. (2024). Organic micropollutant
   removal and phosphate recovery by polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes: Impact of buildup interactions.
   Chemosphere, 350, 141078.

8. Ahmad, M., Aravind, U. K., & Plappally, A. (2024). Assessment of the physiochemical properties and sustainability of locally
   produced ceramic G-filter in a long term experiment. Chemosphere, 365, 143323.

9. Joseph, N. K., Koshy, V. J., Aravind, U. K., & Aravindakumar, C. T. (2024). Photo-transformation of ofloxacin in
   natural aquatic conditions: Impact of Indirect photolysis on the product profile and transformation
   mechanism. Chemosphere, 142484.

10. Smailov, B., Aravind, U., Kadirbayeva, A., Sarypbekova, N., Azimov, A., & Issabayev, N. (2024). Synthesis of EPAN
   and applications in the encapsulation of potassium humate. Green Processing and Synthesis, 13(1), 20240004.

11. Venukumar, A., Azimov, A. M., Iztleuov, G. M., Moorchilot, V. S., Aravind, U. K., Sataev, M. I., ... & Aravindakumar, C. T. (2024).
   Temporal Assessment of Phosphorus Speciation in a Model Ramsar Lake System in Asia. Hydrology, 11(5), 70.

12. Joseph, N. K., Azimov, A. M., Iztleuov, G. M., Koshy, V. J., Aravind, U. K., Sataev, M. I., & Aravindakumar, C. T. (2024).
   Role of the aquatic environment in enhancing and inhibiting phototransformation of pharmaceutically active
   compounds. Emerging Contaminants, 100371.

13. Francis, N., Choudhary, Y. S., Abraham, T., Aravind, U. K., & Aravindakumar, C. T. (2024). TMDC-based hybrid
   photocatalyst for antibiotics degradation: A comprehensive review. FlatChem, 45, 100653.

14. Joseph, M., Paulson, F., Nasrin, C., Aparna, S., Remello, S.N., Haridas, S. and k Aravind, U., 2024. Layer-by-layer
   assembled graphitic carbon nitride membranes for water treatment. Chemosphere, p.141544.

15. Smailov, B., & Aravind, U. (2024). Synthesis of humic acid with the obtaining of potassium humate based on
   coal waste from the Lenger deposit, Kazakhstan. Green Processing and Synthesis, 13(1), 20230150.

16. Smailov, B., & Aravind, U. (2024). Green processing & synthesis: Synthesis of humic acid with the obtaining of
   potassium humate based on coal waste from the Lenger deposit, Kazakhstan.

17. Moorchilot, V.S., Arun, P., Aravind, U.K. and Aravindakumar, C.T., 2024. Human exposure to methyl and butyl
   parabens and their transformation products in settled dust collected from urban, semi-urban, rural,
   and tribal settlements in a tropical environment. Environmental Research, 242, p.117805.

18. Joseph, N. K., Koshy, V. J., Aravind, U. K., & Aravindakumar, C. T. (2024). Photo-transformation of ofloxacin in
   natural aquatic conditions: Impact of Indirect photolysis on the product profile and transformation
   mechanism. Chemosphere, 142484.

19. Joseph, M., Paulson, F., Nasrin, C., Aparna, S., Remello, S.N., Haridas, S. and k Aravind, U., 2024. Layer-by-layer
   assembled graphitic carbon nitride membranes for water treatment. Chemosphere, p.141544.

20. Unnikrishan, A., Khalid, N.K., Rayaroth, M.P., Thomas, S., Nazim, A., Aravindakumar, C.T. and Aravind, U.K., 2024.
   Occurrence and distribution of steroid hormones (estrogen) and other contaminants of emerging
   concern in a south indian water body. Chemosphere, 351, p.141124.

21. Moorchilot, V.S., Arun, P., Aravind, U.K. and Aravindakumar, C.T., 2024. Human exposure to methyl and butyl
   parabens and their transformation products in settled dust collected from urban, semi-urban, rural, and
   tribal settlements in a tropical environment. Environmental Research, 242, p.117805.

22. Nejumal, K. K., Satayev, M. I., Rayaroth, M. P., Arun, P., Dineep, D., Aravind, U. K., ... & Aravindakumar, C. T. (2023).
   Degradation studies of bisphenol S by ultrasound activated persulfate in aqueous medium.
   Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 101, 106700.

23. Ahmad, M., Duhan, S., Satankar, R. K., Aravind, U. K., & Plappally, A. (2023). Long-term reliability assessment of ceramic
   water filters: strength and electro-kinetic parameter studies. Desalination and Water Treatment, 309, 200-209.

24. John, R., Aravindakumar, C. T., & Aravind, U. K. Delineating the Cascade of Molecular Events in Protein Aggregation Triggered
   by Glyphosate, Aminomethylphosphonic Acid, and Roundup in Serum Albumins. Aminomethylphosphonic Acid,
   and Roundup in Serum Albumins.

25. Rayaroth, M. P., Boczkaj, G., Aubry, O., Aravind, U. K., & Aravindakumar, C. T. (2023). Advanced Oxidation Processes for
   Degradation of Water Pollutants—Ambivalent Impact of Carbonate Species: A Review. Water, 15(8), 1615.

26. Reyaroth, M., Aravind, U., Boczkaj, G., & Aravindakumar, C. T. (2023). Nonphotochemical generation of Singlet
   oxygen in pollutant remediation: A mini-review on the degradation pathway based on mass spectrometry
   and DFT calculations.

27. Gopalakrishnan, A., Mathew, J., Thomas, J. M., Thankachan, G., Aravindakumar, C. T., & Aravind.

28. U. K. (2023). Spectro-kinetic investigations on the release mechanism of lysozyme from layer-by- layer reservoirs.
   Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 222, 113135.

29. Menacherry, S. P. M., Aravind, U. K., & Aravindakumar, C. T. (2022). Transformation Mechanism of Organic CECs by
   Photochemical Oxidation Processes: Insights from Mass Spectrometry. In Photo-and Electrochemical Water
   Treatment (pp. 34-59).

30. Bаkyt, S., Aravindkumar, C. T., & Aravind, U. K. (2022). INVESTIGATION OF THE MECHANISM OF SELECTIVE
   Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan, (4).


1. Vishnu S Moorchilot, Usha K. Aravind, Charuvila T. Aravindakumar, Airborne Microplastics - sources, characteristics,dynamics and
  health implications in the book Microplastics in Environment - sources, potential risks, analytical challenges, and remediation
   strategies. Edited by: Ganga Ram Doi:

2. Sasina Sai OK, Usha K Aravind ,Charuvila T Aravindakumar, “Pectin based encapsulation systems for bioactive components”in the book
  ‘Biomaterials in Microencapsulation’ edited by Dr.Ashutosh Sharma (2024)

3. Naveen S Lal,John Richard Thomas,Sumith Satheendran,Abin Varghese,Usha K Aravind, and C.T Aravindakumar “Spatio-Temporal
   Dynamics of land use/land cover pattern in greater cochin region:A Geospatial Approach’’ (167-172) in Impact of
   climate change Biodiversity and environment, edited by Ajay Kumar, Vashisht and Anila George ,Associated Publishing
   Company,2021(ISBN 13 :9789389719383)

4. Jeeva M. Philip, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar “Use of Antibiotics in Animals and Its Possible Impacts in the Environment”
   (pages 77- 91), in the “Handbook of Research on Social Marketing and Its Influence on Animal Origin Food Product
   Consumption” Edited by Diana Bogueva, Dora Marinova, and Talia Raphaely (Editors), IGA Global (Idea Group, USA), 2018,
   ISBN13: 9781522547570

5. Usha K. Aravind, Subha Sasi, Mary Lidiya Mathew, C. T. Aravindakumar, Layer by layer (LbL) coated multilayer membranes in dye house
   effluent treatment (Chapter 22) in “Membrane Technology: Sustainable Solutions in Water, Health, Energy and Environmental
   Sectors” Edited by S. Sridhar, CRC Press 2018

6. R. K. Satankar, A. Kaurwar, S. Gupta, K. Usha, S T. Azeko, W. O. Soboyejo, A. B.O. Soboyejo and A Plappally, Role of Equine Ordure in
   Enhancing Physical and Mechanical Properties of Natural Bio-active Composites, in Advanced Polymeric Materials For Sustainability
   And Innovations, Editor(S): D. Rouxel, Sajith T.A, S. Thomas, N. Kalarikkal, 2017, Apple Academic Press, NY.


• Occurrence, seasonal variation and risk assessment of low molecular-weight phthalates in a South Indian riverine system, Sixth
   International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW-2024)

• Sulfidized nano-zerovalent iron persulfate system; Comprehensive insights into degradation of different pharmaceutical contaminants,
   Sixth International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW-2024)

• From air to water: Disposable face masks as vectors for PAH dispersion in environmental matrices, Sixth International Conference on
   Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW-2024)

• Interaction of microplastics with nano skinned microfiltration membrane in the presence of beta blockers, Sixth International Conference on
   Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW-2024)

• Assessing the toxicological impact of priority water contaminant bisphenols on bio macro molecules, Sixth International Conference
   on Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW-2024)

• Water quality assessment of the Periyar river with focus on emerging contaminants Sixth International Conference on Water: From Pollution
   to Purification (ICW-2024)

• Does exposure to glyphosate-based herbicides increase the risk of protein aggregation disorders?, Sixth International Conference on Water:
   From Pollution to Purification (ICW-2024)

• Structural fire emissions and organic pollutant leaching: Implications for ground water quality and sensitive ecosystems, Sixth International
   Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW-2024)

• Multilayer assembly with biopolymers for the release of enzymes for the control of biopathogens, Sixth International Conference on
   Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW-2024)

• Organic micropollutants and health risk analysis post-fire incident at Bramhapuram Landfill, Sixth International Conference on
   Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW-2024)

• Removal of mefenamic acid from water using amino functionalized MOF, Sixth International Conference on Water: From Pollution
   to Purification (ICW-2024)

• Understanding membrane fouling: The role of diethyl phthalate and bovine serum albumin interactions, Sixth International Conference
   on Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW-2024)

• Heavy metals in dust fallout from the atmosphere contaminated by a catastrophic fire in a municipal solid waste treatment plant located
   in South-Western India” 6 th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration 2024 at Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco

• Antimicrobial activity of lysozyme-loaded CHI/PSS multilayer membranes,Indo-Russian SPARC Workshop on “Advanced Materials for
   Separation” 2024 at School of Environmental Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam

• Investigation of heavy metals intrusion into indoor dust of households nearby a solid waste treatment plant effected by a catastrophic fire”.
   International Conference on Advanced Research 2024 at MES KEE VEE YEM College, Valanchery, Malappuram 2024

• Protein adhesive and repellent surfaces from differently growing Nano skinned Microfiltration Membrane , International Conference on
   Membrane Based Separations: Past, Present & Future (MSPPF 2023)

• Nanolayered Coir fiber -A green material for the recycling of color industry waste water, 35 th Kerala Science Congress , 2023

• Presence of Traditional and Emerging Contaminants in Environmental Matrices: Toxicological Implications Based on Protein Amyloid
   Formation, International conference on water: From pollution to purification ICW 2023

• "Antimicrobial Activity of Lysozyme Loaded CHI/PSS Multilayer Membranes", International conference on water: From pollution to
   purification ICW, 2023

• "Mass Spectrometric Analysis for the Occurrence of Steroid Hormone in River Water in Southern India", International conference on water:
   From pollution to purification ICW, 2023

• "Interaction of Chlorophene with PEI/PSS Coated Microfiltration membrane", International conference on water: From pollution to
   purification ICW 2023, 2023

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