
Current Research Interests

Polyelectrolyte Multilayer membranes for water purification, low pressure filtrations, water treatment, water pollution, protein adhesive surfaces, protein based sensors, structural variation of proteins and Advanced Oxidation Processes (for the degradation of organic pollutants)

Instumental Support: UV, IR, IC, TGA-DSC, HPLC, GC, ICP-AAS, SAX, WAXD, Microsopies (SEM and AFM), Confocal Raman spectroscopy, FTIR-ATR, LC-MS, LC-Q-ToF-MS etc.

Research Collaborations

1. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University, USA
2. University of Leicester, Leicester, LE1 7RH, UK
3. Department of Environmental Engineering, California Institute of Technology, USA
4. Department of Desalination and Water Treatment, Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,       Israel
5. Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
6. Technical University of Denmark, Roskild, Denmark
7. Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Johdpur, India
8. Advanced Centre of Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development- An Inter University Centre, Mahatma Gandhi                     University Campus, Kottayam

Research Projects Awarded


Title of the project



/in Lakhs

Funding Agency




Development of multilayer (nano)membranes for protein purification

Principal Investigator


Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi




Immobilization of proteins to self-assembled (nano) films  and their related applications as sensor.

Principal Investigator


DST, New Delhi




Chemical  transformation  and bioaccumulation of mercury in Vembanad wetland and Cochin       Near Shore Areas



Department of Ocean Development, New Delhi



Clean Energy: An Alternate Route To DMFC Through Chitosan Based Nanomembranes


(With Duke University, USA)

Principal Investigator-II


University Grants Commission (UGC) Under Obama-Singh 21st Century Knowledge Initiative



Polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes for the treatment of paper and pulp industry waste water

Principal Investigator


Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment, Trivandrum



Nanoskinned coir matrix for the removal of biological contaminants from water

Principal Investigator


DST, New Delhi



Detection and identification of pharmaceutical waster in Vembanad lake



Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment, Trivandrum



Indo-Denmark Network Programme                 “Nanofibre structures for efficient enzyme

immobilization in membrane applications”


Partnership programme

Danish Research Council



Layer by layer (LbL) assisted antimicrobial membranes for water purification

(With Bengurion University of the Negev, Israel)

Principal Investigator


SPARC (MHRD) New Delhi



Towards sustainable surface water ecosystems in India: Predicting the fate, transport and effects of urban wastewater pollutants in rivers.

(With University of Leicester, UK)

Co- Investigator


SPARC (MHRD) New Delhi


Ph.D Guidance

  • 5 Ph.D. awarded as guide; 3 Ph.D thesis Submitted as guide & 

  • 5 Ph.D awarded as Co-guide

  • 3 Ph.D students are currently working

Research Publications: Total: 392

[ Impact Factor of Selected Journals: J Haz Mat 7.6; Chem.Eng.J.: 8.4; Ultrasonic sonochemistry 7.2; ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8.4; Env Chem. 2.9; Chemosphere 4.4, Langmuir: 3.7, J membr sci. 7.0; Desalination, 6.0; Colloid & Surfaces B. 3.97; Free Rad biology med 5.7; J. Phys.Chem. B. 3.1; Environ Sci. Pollut. Res. 2.9, J. Phys.Chem. A. 2.6; J Agr F Chem 3.6; J. Mass Spectr 2.4; Int. J. Mass Spect. 1.7; Polymer International: 2.4; Euro Polym Journal: 3.5; Chem.Phys. 1.8, Org.Biomol.Chem. 3.8
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 1.96 Chemistry Select 1.5, J Food Drug Analysis 4.2 J.Phys.Org.Chem. 1.59 ]

Book Chapter (Total:3)

1. R. K. Satankar, A. Kaurwar, S. Gupta, K. Usha, S T. Azeko, W. O. Soboyejo, A. B.O. Soboyejo and A Plappally, Role of Equine Ordure in Enhancing Physical and Mechanical Properties of Natural Bio-active Composites, in Advanced Polymeric Materials For Sustainability And Innovations, Editor(S): D. Rouxel, Sajith T.A, S. Thomas, N. Kalarikkal, 2017, Apple Academic Press, NY.

2. Jeeva M. Philip, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar
“Use of Antibiotics in Animals and Its Possible Impacts in the Environment” (pages 77-91), in the “Handbook of Research on Social Marketing and Its Influence on Animal Origin Food Product Consumption” Edited by Diana Bogueva, Dora Marinova, and Talia Raphaely (Editors), IGA Global (Idea Group, USA), 2018, ISBN13: 9781522547570

3. Usha K. Aravind, Subha Sasi, Mary Lidiya Mathew, C. T. Aravindakumar, Layer by layer (LbL) coated multilayer membranes in dye house effluent treatment (Chapter 22) in “Membrane Technology: Sustainable Solutions in Water, Health, Energy and Environmental Sectors” Edited by S. Sridhar, CRC Press 2018

Reviews (2)

1. Manoj P. Rayaroth, Usha K. Aravind, Charuvila T. Aravindakumar , Degradation of pharmaceutically active compounds by ultrasound based advanced oxidation process: A review, Env. Chem. Lett., 2016, 14, 259-290

2. Jeeva M. Philip, Usha K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Emerging Contaminants in Indian Environmental Matrices – A Review, Chemosphere, 2018, Jan;190:307-326. doi: 10.1016

Editorial as Guest Editor (2)

3. Environ. Chem.,2019 (in press)(Special Issue), Foreword to the Special Issue on the International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification, C. T. Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind and Roland Kallenborn
4. Env Sci Pollut. Res., 2018, 25:20281–20282 (Special Issue), Water: From Pollution to Purification C. T. Aravindakumar, Mehmet Oturan and Usha Aravind

In International Journals (62)

5. M. Mathew, C. T. Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind, Unravelling the fibrillation mechanism of ovalbumin in the presence of mercury at its isoelectric pH, RSC Advances, 2020 (in press)
6. S. Thomas, M.P. Rayaroth, S. P. M. Menacherry, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Sonochemical Degradation of Benzenesulfonic Acid in Aqueous Medium, Chemosphere, 2020 (in press)
7. Naveen S. Lal, John Richard Thomas, Sumith Satheendran, Abin Varghese, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Air Quality Disturbance Zone mapping in Greater Cochin Region of Kerala State, India using Geoinformatics, Spatial Information Research 2020 (in press)
8. Jain Maria Thomas, C.T. Aravindakumar and Usha K Aravind, Removal of Beta Blockers using Polyelectrolyte Monolayered Membrane and its Antifouling Performance, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2020 (in press)
9. Kishore Kumar Nair, Bennie Viljoen; C T Aravindakumar; H C Swart; Richard A Harris; Usha K Aravind, Synthesis of silver incorporated lithium doped zinc oxide nanocomposites for in-vitro biorational evaluation of Candiasis and Cryptococcosis, Applied Surface Science , 2020 (in press)
10. Jain Maria Thomas, C.T. Aravindakumar and Usha K Aravind, Protein loading studies using polyelectrolyte microcapsules International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterial, 2019 (in press)
11. V.Vijayan, S. Yesodharan, C.T. Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind, V.J. Koshy and E.P. Yesodharan, Role of electrodes and electrolytes on the efficiency of electrolytic decontamination of water from indigo carmine dye pollutant. Indian Journal of Applied Research 2019 (in press)

12. Jisha Chandran, U. K. Aravind, P. T. Nguyen, C. T. Aravindakumar, Solvent dependent ESI-collisionally induced dissociation of protonated nitenpyram, Int. J. Mass Spectrometry, 2019, 445, 116207
13. C.S. Shalumon, C.T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, A multilayered surface for the interactive separation of perchlorate from aqueous medium, Environmental Chemistry, 2019,16(8) 587-598
14. Jisha Chandran, Vishnu N. R., Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, ESI-MSMS characterization and differentiation of the cross links of thymine from one electron oxidation with SO4•-, Int. J. Mass Spectrometry, 2019, 443, 53-60
15. Mary Lidiya Mathew, G. Akhil, C.T. Aravindakumar and U.K. Aravind, Low – cost multilayered green fiber for the treatment of textile industry waste water, Journal of Hazardous Materials 2019, 365, 297-305
16. M. T. Elias, J. Chandran, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar Oxidative Degradation of Ranitidine Induced by UV and Ultrasound: Identification of Transformation Products using LC-Q-ToF-MS, Environmental Chemistry, 2018 16(1), 41-54
17. Sunil Paul M.Menachery, T. P.Nguyen, G. Pramod, Usha K.Aravind , C. T. Aravindakumar, Exploring the Mechanism of Diphenylmethanol Oxidation: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Approach, Chemical Physics, 2018, 513, 201-208
18. Manoj P. Rayaroth, Usha K. Aravind, and C. T. Aravindakumar, Effect of inorganic ions on the ultrasound initiated degradation and product formation of Triphenylmethane dyes, Ultrasonic Sonochemistry, 2018, 48, 482-491
19. K.K. Nejumal, D. Dineep, Mahesh Mohan, K.P. Krishnan, U.K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Presence of Bisphenol S and Surfactants in the Sediments of Kongsfjorden: A Negative Impact of Human Activities in Arctic?, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2018, 190, 22
20. Subha Sasi, P.R. Manoj, C.T. Aravindakumar and U.K. Aravind, Identification of surfactants and its correlation with physico-chemical parameters at the confluence region of Vembanad Lake in India, Env Sci Pollut. Res., 2018 , 25(21):20527-20539. doi: 10.1007/s11356-017-0563-4
21. P.R. Manoj, Usha.K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Photocatalytic Degradation of Lignocaine in Aqueous Suspension of TiO2 Nanoparticles: Mechanism of Degradation and Mineralization, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2018 (6), 3556-3564
22. K.K. Nejumal, D. Dineep, Mahesh Mohan, K.P. Krishnan, U.K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Presence of Bisphenol S and Surfactants in the Sediments of Kongsfjorden: A Negative Impact of Human Activities in Arctic?, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2018, 190, 22
23. Subha Sasi, P.R. Manoj, C.T. Aravindakumar and U.K. Aravind, Identification of surfactants and its correlation with physico-chemical parameters at the confluence region of Vembanad Lake in India, Env Sci Pollut. Res., 2018 Jul;25(21):20527-20539. doi: 10.1007/s11356-017-0563-4

24. P.R. Manoj, U.K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Photocatalytic Degradation of Lignocaine in Aqueous Suspension of TiO2 Nanoparticles: Mechanism of Degradation and Mineralization, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2018 (6), 3556-3564
25. Jain Thomas, R. Vishnu, C.T. Aravindakumar, and Usha K. Aravind,
Polyelectrolyte Functional Bilayers for the Removal of Model Emerging Contaminants, Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56 (46), 13874–13884
26. Amrita Kaurwar, Raj Satankar, Sandeep Gupta, Usha. K. Aravind, Kuldeep Kothari, Alfred Soboyejo and Anand Plappally, 2017, Functional Demarcation of Traditional Off-White Colored Water Pots Manufactured from Rajasthan Clayey Soils and Red Colored Water Pots from Gujarat Clayey Soils using Spectrographic, Cooling and Strength Studies — a Case Study from Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India, MRS Advances, 2017, Vol. 2, Issue 37-38 (Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology XI), 2027-2032
27. Jisha Chandran,Usha K. Aravind, and C. T. Aravindakumar, Mass spectrometric characterization of sonochemical transformation products of 2’-deoxycytidine under aerated conditions: Direct observation of hydroxyhydroperoxide and glycol, Chemistry Select, 2017, 2(32), 10329-10335
28. S. Thomas, S.V. Abraham, U. K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, Enhanced degradation of acid red 1 dye using a coupled system of zero valent iron nanoparticles and sonolysis, Environ Sci. Pollut. Res., 2017, 24(31), 24533-24544
29. Manoj P. Rayaroth , Usha K. Aravind, and C. T. Aravindakumar, Role of in-situ nitrite ion formation on the sonochemical transformation of para-aminosalicylic acid, Ultrasonic Sonochemistry, 2017, 40, 213-220
30. Manoj P. Rayaroth , Chung-Seop Lee, Usha K. Aravind, Charuvila T. Aravindakumar,Yoon-Seok Chang, Oxidative degradation of benzoic acid using Fe0- and sulfidized Fe0-activated persulfate: A comparative study”, Chem. Eng. J., 2017 , 315, 426-436
31. V.A. Sijumon, U.K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Degradation studies of amaranth dye using Zero Valent Iron Nanoparticles: Optimal conditions and analysis of intermediate products by LC-Q-ToF-MS, Environmental Engineering Science, 2017, 34(5), 376-383
32. Jissy Mathew, G. Akhil, C.T. Aravindakumar, U.K. Aravind Transport properties and morphology of CHI/PSS multilayered microfiltration membranes for the low pressure filtration of amino acids” J. Chem. Tech. Biotech., 2016, 92, 834–844
33. M. P. Rayaroth, U. K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar , Ultrasound based AOP for emerging pollutants: From degradation to mechanism, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2016 Doi:10.1007/s11356-016-6606-4
34. Sunil Paul M. Menachery, Sreekanth R. Nair, Pramod Gopinathan, Usha K. Aravind, and C. T. Aravindakumar, Transformation Reactions of Radicals from the Oxidation of Diphenhydramine: Pulse Radiolysis and Mass Spectrometric Studies, Chemistry Select, 2016 1 (5), 924-933
35. Subha Sasi, M. P. Rayaroth, D. Devadasan, Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, Influence of inorganic ions and selected emerging contaminants on

36. Jisha Chandran, U.K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Sonochemical transformation of thymidine: A mass spectrometric study, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2015, 27, 178-186
37. S. P. M. Menachery, Olivier Laprévote, Thao P. Nguyen, Usha K. Aravind, G. Pramod and C.T. Aravindakumar, Identification of Position Isomers by Energy-Resolved Mass Spectrometry, Journal of Mass Spectrometry , 2015, 50, 944–950
38. M.P. Rayaroth, K.K. Nejumal, Subha Sasi, Usha K. Aravind, and C. T. Aravindakumar, Identification of chlorophene in a backwater stream in Kerala (India) and its sonochemical degradation studies, Clean – Soil, Air, Water, 2015, 43, 1338-1343
39. J. John, A. Reghuwanshi, U. K Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Development and validation of a high-performance thin layer chromatography method for the determination of cholesterol concentration, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 2015, 23(2):219-224
40. Manoj P. Rayaroth, Usha K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Sonochemical Degradation of Coomassie Brilliant Blue: Effect of frequency, power density, pH and various additives, Chemosphere, 2015, 119, 848-855
41. Akhil Gopalakrishnan, Mary Lidiya Mathew, JishaChandran, Appala Raju Badireddy, Judith Winglee, Mark Wiesner, C. T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Sustainable Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Surfaces: Possible Matrix for Salt/dye Separation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 2015, 7, 3699-3707
42. M. M. Sunil Paul, U. K. Aravind, G. Pramod, A. Saha, and C. T. Aravindakumar, Hydroxyl Radical Induced Oxidation of Theophylline in Water: A Kinetic and Mechanistic Study, Org. Biomol Chem. 2014, 12 (30), 5611 – 5620
43. M. Mathew, S. Sreedhanya, P. Manoj, C. T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind
Exploring the interaction of bisphenol-S with serum albumins: A better or worse alternative for bisphenol-A?, J. Phys. Chem. B., 2014, 118 (14), 3832–3843
44. R. Sreekanth, Sunil Paul M. M, Usha K. Aravind, J.L.Marignier, J.Belloni, C. T. Aravindakumar, Oxidation reactions of hydroxy naphthoquinones: Mechanistic investigation by LC-Q-TOF-MS Analysis, Int. J. Radiat. Biol., 2014, 90(6), 495-502.
45. N.B. Shibin, R. Sreekanth, Usha K. Aravind, K.M. Afsal Mohammed, N.V. Chandrashekhar, Jayan Joseph, S. K. Sarkar, D.B. Naik and C.T. Aravindakumar, Radical chemistry of glucosamine naphthalene acetic acid and naphthaleneaceticacid: A pulse radiolysis study, J.Phys.Org. Chem., 2014, 27( 6), 478–483
46. Shoniya Thomas, R. Sreekanth, V.A. Sijumon, Usha K Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Oxidative Degradation of Acid Red 1 in Aqueous Medium, Chem. Eng. J., 2014, 244, 473–482
47. K.K.Nejumal, P.R. Manoj, Usha K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Sonochemical Degradation of a Pharmaceutical Waste, Atenolol, in Aqueous Medium, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 2014, 21, 4297-4308
48. R. Sreekanth, K.P. Prasanthkumar, M.M. Sunil Paul, Usha K. Aravind,, C.T. Aravindakumar, Oxidation Reactions of 1- and 2-naphthols: An Experimental and Theoretical Study, J. Phys. Chem. A., 2013,117, 11261–11270
49. T. V. Divyalakshmi, S. Sreedhanyaa, G. Akhil, C. T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Sub-picomolar sensing of hydrogen peroxide with ovalbumin embedded CHI/PSS multilayer membrane, Analytical Biochemistry, 2013, 440, 49-55
50. S. Venu, D.B. Naik, S.K. Sarkar, Usha K. Aravind A.Nijamudheen, C.T.Aravindakumar, ,Oxidation Reactions of Thymol: A Pulse Radiolysis and Theoretical Study, J. Phys. Chem. A., 2013, 117, 291–299
51. M.M. Sunil Paul, Usha K. Aravind, G. Pramod, C.T. Aravindakumar, Oxidative Degradation of Fensulfothion by Hydroxyl Radical in Aqueous Medium, Chemosphere, 2013, 91, 295–301
52. V. J. Disha, C. T. Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind, Phosphate recovery by high flux low pressure multilayer membranes, Langmuir 2012, 28, 12744-12752
53. Jissy Mathew, S. Sreedhanya, M. S. Baburaj, C. T. Aravindakumar, U. K. Aravind, Fabrication of switchable protein resistant and adhesive multilayer membranes, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2012, 94, 118-124
54. M. S. Baburaj, C.T. Aravindakumar, S. Sreedhanya, A.P. Thomas, Usha K. Aravind, Treatment of model textile effluents with PAA/CHI and PAA/PEI composite membranes Desalination 2012, 288, 72–79
55. V.M. Manoj, Usha K. Aravind, Hari Mohan, C. T. Aravindakumar, Reaction of hydroxyl radicals with S-nitrosothiols: Formation of thiyl radical (RS•) as the intermediate, Res. Chem. Intermed. 2011, 37, 1113-1122
56. U. K. Aravind , B. George , M. S. Baburaj , S. Thomas , A. P. Thomas and C. T. Aravindakumar. Treatment of industrial effluents using polyelectrolyte membranes, Desalination 2010, 252 27-32
57. V. M. Manoj, Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, Degradation Decomposition of S-nitrosothiols induced by UV and sunlight, Advances in Physical Chemistry 2009, 890346
58. Jissy Mathew, C. T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Effect of ionic strength and protein concentration on the transport of proteins through chitosan/polystyrene sulfonate multilayer membrane, Journal of Membrane Science 2008, 325, 625-632
59. P. Manoj, V. M. Manoj, K. P. Prasanthkumar, T. K. Manoj, Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, Reaction of Sulphate Radical Anion (SO4•) With triazine derivatives: A laser flash photolysis study, J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2007, 20,122-129
60. Rani Varghese, Usha K. Aravind and Charuvila T. Aravindakumar, Fenton-Enhanced - Radiolysis of Cyanuric acid, J. Hazardous Materials 2007, 142, 555-558
61. Usha K. Aravind, Jissy Mathew and C. T. Aravindakumar, Transport Studies of BSA, Lysozyme and Ovalbumin through Chitosan/ Polystyrene Sulfonate Multilayer Membrane. Journal of Membrane Science. 299, 146-155, 2007

62. Rani Varghese, Hari Mohan, P. Manoj, V. M. Manoj, Usha K. Aravind, K. Vandana and C. T. Aravindakumar, On the Reactions of Hydrated Electrons with Triazine Derivatives in Aqueous Medium, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2006, 54 (21), 8171 -8176
63. V. M. Manoj, H. Mohan, U. K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, One-Electron Reduction of S-Nitrosothiols in Aqueous Medium, Free Rad. Biol. Med. 2006, 41, 1240-1246
64. J. M. Joseph, T. L. Luke, Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, Photochemical production of hydroxyl radical from aqueous Fe(III)-hydroxy complex: Determination of its reaction rate constants with some substituted benzenes using TBA assay method, Water Environmental Research 2001, 73, 243
65. R. Mendez, K. Usha, K. K. M. Yusuf and V. N. S. Pillai, Studies on metal complexes of SMH resin, European Polymer Journal, 1996, 32(4), 551-521
66. K. Usha and V. N. S. Pillai, Preparation, characterization and alkali metal permeation through Nylon-666-g-Maleic acid membrane, Polymer International, 1995, 38, 263-268.

Papers Presented / Published in Conference Proceedings (223)

1. John Richard Thomas, M. Vishnu Sreejith, Mahesh Mohan, Usha K. Aravind and C.T Aravindakumar, Polar and tropical precipitation analysis for heavy metal contamination: A comparison, International Conference on Frontiers in Marine Science Challenges and Prospects (MARICON), December 16-20, 2019, Kochi
2. Jain Maria Thomas, C.T Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Polystyrene sulfonate (PSS) functional layer membrane for the removal of pharmaceutical drugs from water under low pressure conditions, International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICST), December 13-16, 2019, Kottayam
3. C.S. Shalumon, C.T Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Fabrication of polyelectrolyte multilayers membranes and its application in separation of ionic pollutants from drinking water sources, International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICST), December 13-16, 2019, Kottayam
4. Mary Lidiya Mathew, SubhaSasi, C.T Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, CHI/PAA nanoskinned membranes for the treatment and reuse of local textile mill effluents, International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICST), December 13-16, 2019, Kottayam
5. V.J. Disha, C.T Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Phosphorus separation characteristics of multilayer membranes: A comparative study, International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICST), December 13-16, 2019, Kottayam
6. P. Nikhil Chandra, C.T Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Tailors made polyelectrolyte multilayers for the removal of obidoxime from water, International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICST), December 13-16, 2019, Kottayam
7. Susanna Kurian, C.T Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Surface modification of polymer membranes by LBL for antibacterial, antiadhesive and antifouling applications, International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICST), December 13-16, 2019, Kottayam
8. Jain Maria Thomas, C.T Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, CHI/PSS functional layers for the removal of model emerging contaminants, International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICST), December 13-16, 2019, Kottayam
9. Sajana Peter, K.K Nejumal, Usha K. Aravind and C.T Aravindakumar, Photo transformation studies of pharmaceutical compound under natural condition, International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICST), December 13-16, 2019, Kottayam

10. M.S. Arya, C.T Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Interaction of mycotoxins with ultrafiltration membranes during water treatment, International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICST), December 13-16, 2019, Kottayam
11. Anjali Venukumar, Valsamma J. Koshy, C.T Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, determination of inorganic anions and cations in Meenachil River by ion chromatography, International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICST), December 13-16, 2019, Kottayam
12. G. Akhil, C.T Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Periodic alternate deposition of polyelectrolyte multilayers for surface patterning, International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICST), December 13-16, 2019, Kottayam
13. G. Akhil, C.T Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Polyelectrolyte multilayer templates for human serum albumin conformal coatings, International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICST), December 13-16, 2019, Kottayam
14. Amrutha Asokan, Usha K. Aravind and C.T Aravindakumar, Polyelectrolyte (PEI/PSS) coated membrane for the enrichment of phosphate by crossflow filtration, International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICST), December 13-16, 2019, Kottayam
15. M.K. Athullya, Shanthi Prabha, ValsammaKoshi, C.T Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Preliminary analysis on the potential of rice husk derived biochar for the removal of non-ionic surfactant from aqueous medium, International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICST), December 13-16, 2019, Kottayam
16. K.K. Nejumal, Usha K. Aravind and C.T Aravindakumar, Investigation of photochemical degradation of Isoniazid in aqueous medium using HPLC and LC-Q-ToF, International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICST), December 13-16, 2019, Kottayam
17. Bastin K. Jose, Usha K. Aravind and C.T Aravindakumar, identification and quantification of contaminants of emerging concern in Vembanad lake (Kerala) sediments using Ultra-fast liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICST), December 13-16, 2019, Kottayam
18. K.K. Nejumal, Usha K. Aravind and C.T Aravindakumar, Occurrence of contaminants of emerging concern in Periyar Rive, Kerala: Identification and quantification by LC-Q-ToF-MS, Proc-4th International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS), December 04-07, 2019, Kottayam
19. Jeeva M. Philip, Usha K. Aravind and C.T Aravindakumar, Screening of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in drinking water samples: A high resolution mass spectrometric study, Proc-4th International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS), December 04-07, 2019, Kottayam
20. Reshmi John, M.K. Cyrus, M.S. Arya, K.J. Bastin, K.K. Nejumal, Usha K. Aravind and C.T Aravindakumar, Comparative degradation studies of the Beta Blockers, propranolol and timolol in water by Sonochemical/ sonocatalytic process and characterization of sono transformation products by LC-Q-ToF-MS, Proc-4th International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS), December 04-07, 2019, Kottayam
21. BastinK.Jose, Usha K. Aravind and C.T Aravindakumar, Identification and quantification contaminants of emerging concern in Vembanad lake (Kerala) using ultra-fast liquid-fast liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, Proc-4th International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS), December 04-07, 2019, Kottayam
22. Misha T. Elias, C. Jisha, C.T Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, UV Photolysis of ranitidine and identification of major transformation products by LC-Q-ToF-MS, Proc-4th International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS), December 04-07, 2019, Kottayam
23. Sajana Peter, K.K Nejumal, Usha K. Aravind and C.T Aravindakumar, Sunlight induced transformation of the beta blocker, propranolol under natural environmental condition, Proc-4th International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS), December 04-07, 2019, Kottayam
24. Jeeva M. Philip, Usha K. Aravind and C.T Aravindakumar, Identification of the Sonochemical degradation products of DEET using LC-Q-ToF-MS, Proc-4th International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS), December 04-07, 2019, Kottayam

25. M.K. Athullya, D. Dineep, Mary Lidiya Mathew, Usha K. Aravind and C.T Aravindakumar, Identification of surfactants from gray water using LC-Q-ToF-MS, Proc-4th International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS), December 04-07, 2019, Kottayam
26. C.M. Vandhana, John Richard Thomas, Vishnu Sreejith, Usha K. Aravind and C.T Aravindakumar, Indoor dust analysis of some selected households in Kerala using LC-MS/MS, Proc-4th International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS), December 04-07, 2019, Kottayam
27. S.Sreedhanya, S. Ammu, C.T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Spectroscopic and theoretical methods to probe protein-ligand binding, Proceedings of International conferences on photochemistry and sustainable energy (ICPSE), October 16-19, 2019, Alappuzha
28. K.K Nejumal, Usha K. Aravind and C.T Aravindakumar, Photochemical degradation of pyrazinecarboxamide, Proceedings of International conferences on photochemistry and sustainable energy (ICPSE), October 16-19, 2019, Alappuzha
29. Sajana Peter, K.K Nejumal, Usha K. Aravind and C.T Aravindakumar, Sunlight induced transformation of propranolol under natural environmental condition, Proceedings of International conferences on photochemistry and sustainable energy (ICPSE), October 16-19, 2019, Alappuzha
30. M. Vishnu Sreejith, John Richard Thomas, Usha K. Aravind and C.T Aravindakumar, Application of confocal micro-raman spectroscopy for identification of soot in airborn particulate matter, Proceedings of International conferences on photochemistry and sustainable energy (ICPSE), October 16-19, 2019, Alappuzha
31. Reshmi john, T.A. Aparna, Jissy Mathew, C.T Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Binding of Cu (II) with serum albumins: spectroscopic insights, Proceedings of International conferences on photochemistry and sustainable energy (ICPSE), October 16-19, 2019, Alappuzha
32. Shalumon C S, C.T. Aravindakumar, Usha K. “Remediation of rocket fuel contaminated ground water using polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes” in Proceedings of 8th International Groundwater Conference – Sustainable Management of Soil- Water Resources (IGWC-2019), October 21-24, 2019, Roorkee, Uttarakhand
33. C.S. Shalumon , C. T. Aravindakumar, and Usha K. Aravind, Nanoskinned low pressure membranes for the removal of perchlorates from stimulated and natural well water samples, Proc-Kerala Science congress ,Thalassery, 28-30, 2018
34. C.T. Aravindakumar, Redox degradation of emerging pollutants by photocatalysts and nanoparticles, Proc-International Conference on Frontiers in Advanced Materials and their Applications, Jan.9, 2018, Trichy
35. M.T. Elias, C.Jisha, U.K. Aravind and CT.Aravindakumar, Degradation of Ranitidine under UV-Photolysis, Sonolysis and UV-PDS and identification of its Transformation products, Proc-. Third National Seminar on Advanced Oxidation Processes, Dec.17-19, 2017, Trichy
36. K.K. Nejumal, D. Dineep, U.K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Sonochemical degradation of Bisphenol S in the presence of Persulfate in aqueous medium: Effect of operating parameters, Proc-. Third National Seminar on Advanced Oxidation Processes, Dec.17-19, 2017, Trichy
37. Veena Vijayan, Suguna Yesodharan, C.T. Aravindakumar and U.K. Aravind, Sonochemical Degradation of a Dye, Indigo carmine: Influence of various reaction parameters, Proc-. Third National Seminar on Advanced Oxidation Processes, Dec.17-19, 2017, Trichy
38. C.T. Aravindakumar, Green Chemistry and its Applications, National Seminar on Modern Trends in Chemistry, Dec.20, 2017, Mannargudi, Thanjavur
39. N. B. Shibin., Sunil Paul Mathew, G. Pramod, Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, UV/H2O2 Oxidation of 6-Chloropurine, Proc.- International Conference on Photochemistry and its Applications (ICPA 2017), Nov. 10-13, 2017, Kottayam, Kerala.
40. Shibin. N. B., Sunil Paul Mathew, G. Pramod, Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, UV/H2O2 Oxidation of Hydroxynaphthoic Acids, Proc.- International Conference on Photochemistry and its Applications (ICPA 2017), Nov. 10-13, 2017, Kottayam, Kerala.
41. Veena Vijayan, Suguna Yesodharan, C. T. Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind, E. P. Yesodharan, Photocatalytic Degradation of Indigo Carminein Water Using ZnO, Proc.- International Conference on Photochemistry and its Applications (ICPA 2017), Nov. 10-13, 2017, Kottayam, Kerala.

42. Shoniya Thomas, Manoj P. R., Sunil Paul Mathew,Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, Oxidative Degradation of Benzenesulfonic Acid by Hydroxyl Radical: A Sonochemical and Pulse Radiolysis Study, Proc.- International Conference on Photochemistry and its Applications (ICPA 2017), Nov. 10-13, 2017, Kottayam, Kerala.
43. D. Dineep, Usha K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Photodepletion of Labetalol Induced by Sunlight, Proc.- International Conference on Photochemistry and its Applications (ICPA 2017), Nov. 10-13, 2017, Kottayam, Kerala.
44. Misha T. Elias, Jisha C., Usha K. Aravindand C. T. Aravindakumar, UV-C Induced Degradation of Ranitidine and Structural Characterization of Transformation Products UsingLC-Q-ToF-MS, Proc.- International Conference on Photochemistry and its Applications (ICPA 2017), Nov. 10-13, 2017, Kottayam, Kerala.
45. V. A. Sijumon, Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, Enhanced Degradation of Metoprolol Using a Coupled System of Zero Valent Iron Nanoparticles and UV light, Proc.- International Conference on Photochemistry and its Applications (ICPA 2017), Nov. 10-13, 2017, Kottayam, Kerala.
46. Manjumol Mathew, C. T. Aravindakumarand Usha K. Aravind, Multi-spectroscopic Analysis of Interaction of Bisphenol S (BPS) with Serum Albumin, Proc.- International Conference on Photochemistry and its Applications (ICPA 2017), Nov. 10-13, 2017, Kottayam, Kerala.
47. Manjumol Mathew, C. T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, The Interaction of Bisphenol F (BPF) with Proteins and its Effect on the Conformation, Proc.- International Conference on Photochemistry and its Applications (ICPA 2017), Nov. 10-13, 2017, Kottayam, Kerala.
48. Manjumol Mathew, C. T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Protein Defolding in the Presence of Pharmaceuticals and its Metabolite: Fluorescence Studies, Proc.- International Conference on Photochemistry and its Applications (ICPA 2017), Nov. 10-13, 2017, Kottayam, Kerala.
49. K. S. Sanu, C. S. Shalumon, Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, Analysis on Spatial and Temporal Variation in Uranium Concentration in Drinking Water of Central Kerala by Using Laser Fluorimetry Technique, Proc.- International Conference on Photochemistry and its Applications (ICPA 2017), Nov. 10-13, 2017, Kottayam
50. JishaChandran, Usha K. Aravind, ZhaoyuZheng, AthulaAttygalle, C. T. Aravindakumar, Investigation on the N- and O- protomer of p-amino salicylic acid using ion mobility and high resolution mass spectrometry: Revisiting the solvent effect in ESI, Proc- Third International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS 2017), Dec. 11-14, Kottayam, Kerala.
51. Misha T. Elias, Jisha C, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, High resolution mass spectrometric identification of the transformation products formed by UV-photolysis and sonolysis of ranitidine, Proc- Third International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS 2017), Dec. 11-14, Kottayam, Kerala.
52. Jisha Chandran, Usha K. Aravind, P. T. Nguyen, C. T. Aravindakumar, The solvent dependent ESI- collisionally induced dissociation of protonated nitenpyram, Proc- Third International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS 2017), Dec. 11-14, Kottayam, Kerala.
53. D. Dineep, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Mass spectrometric study of the environmental fate of labetalol under natural conditions, Proc- Third International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS 2017), Dec. 11-14, Kottayam, Kerala.
54. K. K. Nejumal, D. Dineep, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Determination of emerging contaminants in coastal areas of Ernakulam district using ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-Q-ToF-MS), Proc- Third International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS 2017), Dec. 11-14, Kottayam, Kerala.

55. V. A. Sijumon, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Characterization of intermediates of atenolol after the combined treatment of zero valent iron nanoparticles and UV light by LC-Q-ToF mass spectrometry, Proc- Third International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS 2017), Dec. 11-14, Kottayam, Kerala.
56. V. A. Sijumon, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, LC-Q-ToF mass spectrometry for the characterization of degradation products of timolol after the combined treatment of zero valent iron nanoparticles and UV light, Proc- Third International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS 2017), Dec. 11-14, Kottayam, Kerala.
57. Jeeva M. Philip, Dineep, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Screening of contaminants of emerging concern in source and treated drinking water of central Kerala: A high resolution mass spectrometric study, Proc- Third International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS 2017), Dec. 11-14, Kottayam, Kerala.
58. Shibin. N. B., Sunil Paul Mathew, G. Pramod, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Mass spectrometric analysis of •OH induced oxidation products of 6ClP, Proc- Third International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS 2017), Dec. 11-14, Kottayam, Kerala.
59. Shibin. N. B., Sunil Paul Mathew, G. Pramod, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Identification of preliminary products of •OH induced oxidation of hydroxynaphthoic acids: Mass spectrometric study, Proc- Third International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS 2017), Dec. 11-14, Kottayam, Kerala.
60. S. ReshmaRaveendran, D. Dineep, K. Sreedharan, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Non-target analysis of emerging contaminants in Vembanadu lake using high resolution mass spectrometry, Proc- Third International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS 2017), Dec. 11-14, Kottayam, Kerala.
61. Shoniya Thomas, Manoj P. Rayaroth, Sunil Paul M. M.,Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Identification of the intermediate products from the sonochemical degradation of benzenesulfonic acid by hydroxyl radical using LC-Q-ToF-MS, Proc- Third International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS 2017), Dec. 11-14, Kottayam, Kerala.
62. Akhil Gopalakrishnan, Charuvila T. Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind, Periodic alternated deposition of weak/strong polyelectrolyte multilayers for surface nanoscale patterning, Proc.- Fourth International Conference on Membranes (ICM 2017), Sep 30-Oct 3, Alppuzha
63. Jisha C., C. T. Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind, Internal Structure and Permeability of CHI/PSS Multilayers: An Investigation Using Lysine as a Probe Molecule, Proc.- Fourth International Conference on Membranes (ICM 2017), Sep 30-Oct 3, Alppuzha
64. P. Nikhil Chandra, Charuvilla T. Aravindakumar, U. K. Aravind, Performance comparison of macromolecular assisted and immobilized low pressure membranes in the removal of toxic metals, Proc.- Fourth International Conference on Membranes (ICM 2017), Sep 30-Oct 3, Alppuzha
65. C.S. Shalumon, C.T. Aravindakumar, U. K. Aravind, Transport studies of perchlorate through PEI/PSS multilayered membranes, Proc.- Fourth International Conference on Membranes (ICM 2017), Sep 30-Oct 3, Alppuzha
66. Jain Maria Thomas, C. T. Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind, Monolayered polyelectrolyte membrane for the removal of beta blockers, Proc.- Fourth International Conference on Membranes (ICM 2017), Sep 30-Oct 3, Alppuzha
67. Mary Lidiya Mathew, Soorya Balan, C.T. Aravindakumar , U. K. Aravind, CHI/PAA nanomembranes for the removal of textile dyes, Proc.- Fourth International Conference on Membranes (ICM 2017), Sep 30-Oct 3, Alppuzha
68. Jain Maria Thomas, VishnuN.R., C. T. Aravindakumar, and Usha K. Aravind, CRM and XRPD Analysis of Ibuprofen Filtered Membrane Surface, Proc.- Fourth International Conference on Membranes (ICM 2017), Sep 30-Oct 3, Alppuzha
69. Sreejith P.N., C.T. Aravindakumar, U. K. Aravind, Protein transport properties of three polyelectrolyte multilayer system, Proc.- Fourth International Conference on Membranes (ICM 2017), Sep 30-Oct 3, Alppuzha

70. Manoj P. Rayaroth, Usha K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Photocatalytic Degradation of Lignocaine in Aqueous Suspension of TiO2 Nanoparticle: Mechanism of Degradation and Mineralization, Proc.- Fourth International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP 2016), Dec. 17-20, 2016, Goa
71. D. Dineep, K.K. Nejumal, U.K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Photo-transformation of mefenamic acid in natural water: A Mass Spectrometric Study, Proc.- Fourth International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP 2016), Dec. 17-20, 2016, Goa
72. K.K. Nejumal, D. Dineep, P.R. Manoj, U.K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Sono and photochemical transformation of isoniazid in aqueous medium: Effect of inorganic and organic ions on degradation, Proc.- Fourth International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP 2016), Dec. 17-20, 2016, Goa
73. K.K. Nejumal, D. Dineep, S. Ajai, U.K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Degradation of the beta blockers, propranolol by Ultrasound, Proc.- Fourth International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP 2016), Dec. 17-20, 2016, Goa
74. Manoj P. Rayaroth, Usha K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Effect of Inorganic ions on the Sonochemical Degradation of Triphenylmethane Dyes, Proc.- Fourth International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP 2016), Dec. 17-20, 2016, Goa
75. P.R. Manoj, Usha K. Aravind, C.T Aravindakumar, Impact of Inorganic Ions on the Sonochemical Degradation of Triphenylmethane Dyes, Proc.- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW 2016), Dec.12-15, 2016, Kottayam
76. Jain Maria Thomas, N.R. Vishnu, C.T Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind, Polyelectrolyte Functional Bilayers for the Removal of Model Emerging Contaminants, Proc.- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW 2016), Dec.12-15, 2016, Kottayam
77. M.K Athullya, D. Dineep, Mary Lidiya Mathew, C.T Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind, Identification and Removal of Surfactants from Grey Water, Proc.- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW 2016), Dec.12-15, 2016, Kottayam
78. D. Dineep, Usha K. Aravind, C.T Aravindakumar, Sunlight Induced Photo Transformation of Labetalol in Natural Conditions, Proc.- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW 2016), Dec.12-15, 2016, Kottayam
79. K.K. Nejumal, D. Dineep, P.R Manoj, Usha K. Aravind, C.T Aravindakumar, Sonochemical Degradation of Bisphenol S in Aqueous Medium, Proc.- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW 2016), Dec.12-15, 2016, Kottayam
80. K.K. Nejumal, D. Dineep, Aneesh Danam, C.T Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind, Screening of Glyphosate and its Metabolite in Sediment Samples of a Selected Backwater Canal of Kottayam District, Kerala, Using UPLC-Q-ToF-MS, Proc.- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW 2016), Dec.12-15, 2016, Kottayam
81. P.R Manoj, Usha K. Aravind, C.T Aravindakumar, Effect of Ligands on the Activity of nFe/Fes- Activated Persulfate for the Oxidative Degradation of Water Pollutants, Proc.- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW 2016), Dec.12-15, 2016, Kottayam
82. Jeeva M. Philip, D. Dineep, Usha K. Aravind, C.T Aravindakumar, Occurrence of Emerging Contaminants in a Conventional Drinking Water Plan, Proc.- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW 2016), Dec.12-15, 2016, Kottayam
83. C.S. Shalumon, Usha K. Aravind, C.T Aravindakumar, Spatial Distribution and Toxicological profile of Uranium (U) in Drinking Water Sources of 4 Different Districts of Kerala, India, Proc.- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW 2016), Dec.12-15, 2016, Kottayam
84. John Richard Thomas, Usha K. Aravind, C.T Aravindakumar, Seasonal Variation of Chemical Composition of Rain Water in a Rural Location in Kerala, India, Proc.- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW 2016), Dec.12-15, 2016, Kottayam
85. C.Jisha, Usha K. Aravind, P.T. Nguyen, C.T Aravindakumar, Mass Spectrometric Fragmentation of Nitenpyram: The Complete Gas Phase Ion Chemistry and an Illustration of Solvent Effect on the ESI-MS, Proc.- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW 2016), Dec.12-15, 2016, Kottayam

86. Misha T. Elias, C. Jisha, C.T Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind, Multi Stage Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Histamine H2 receptor Antagonist, Cimetidine, Proc.- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification (ICW 2016), Dec.12-15, 2016, Kottayam
87. P. Nikhil Chandra, C. T Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind, Design, Development, Characterisation and Application of Multilayered Biopolymer for Water Purification, Proc.- National Seminar on Modern Trends in Chemistry and Polymer Chemistry, Nov. 24-26, 2016, Attingal
88. G. Akhil, C. T Aravindakumar, Usha K. A, Effect of External Dopant in Controlling the Morphologies of CHI/PAA Multilayer, Proc.- International Conference on Materials for the Millennium (MATCON), Jan.14-16, 2016, Kochi
89. C. Jisha, M. Muneer, C. T Aravindakumar, Usha K. A, Confining Different Pressure Driven Separation Aspects into Single CHI/PSS Multilayered Membranes, Proc.- International Conference on Materials for the Millennium (MATCON), Jan.14-16, 2016, Kochi
90. M. Manju, C. T Aravindakumar, Usha K. A, Probing the Binding of Cytochrome C with Ovalbumin in Solution and in Immobilized State, Proc.- International Conference on Materials for the Millennium (MATCON), Jan.14-16, 2016, Kochi
91. Jisha Chandran, Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, Probing the stable and intermediate free radical induced transformation products of pyrimidine nucleosides using LC-Q-ToF-MS: Direct observation of some missing links, International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS2015), Dec.11-14, 2015, Kottayam
92. Ashalakshmi C N, Jisha Chandran, Usha K Aravind, A.P. Thomas, C.T. Aravindakumar, Evaluation of a method to determine pesticide residues from earthworms sub-lethally exposed to ethion using LC-Q-ToF-MS, International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS2015), Dec.11-14, 2015, Kottayam
93. Ashalakshmi C N, Jisha Chandran, Usha K Aravindc, A.P. Thomasc, C.T. Aravindakumar, Metabolite profiling of earthworm perionyx ceylanensis using HILIC-MS technique, International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS2015), Dec.11-14, 2015, Kottayam
94. D. Dineep, K.K. Nejumal, C. Jisha, U.K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Identification of Stable Photo Product in the Sunlight Induced Photolysis of Mefenamic acid in river water: A Mass Spectrometric Study, International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS2015), Dec.11-14, 2015, Kottayam
95. Jeeva M Philip, Mahsoona K.N., Dineep D., Usha K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar,
96. A Preliminary Study on the Occurrence and Analysis of Emerging Contaminants in a Water Supply System in Central Kerala, International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS2015), Dec.11-14, 2015, Kottayam
97. Jisha Chandran, Vishnu N. R., Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar ESI-MS/MS characterization and differentiation of the cross links of thymine formed by one electron oxidation with SO4•-, International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS2015), Dec.11-14, 2015, Kottayam
98. Jisha Chandran, Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, Biotransformation of BPS and BP3 in HepG2 cell line: A LC-Q-ToF –MS study, International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS2015), Dec.11-14, 2015, Kottayam
99. P.R. Manoj, Usha K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Degradation Pathway of Lignocaine in Aqueous Medium by Photocatalysis: A Mass Spectrometric Analysis, International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS2015), Dec.11-14, 2015, Kottayam
100. P.R. Manoj, Usha K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Identification of various isomers formed during the oxidative degradation of benzenesulfonic acid by Energy Resolved Mass Spectrometry (ERMS), International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS2015), Dec.11-14, 2015, Kottayam
101. K.K. Nejumal, Mahesh Mohan, K.P. Krishnan, D. Dineep, U.K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Non target analysis of Micro pollutants in the sediments of Kongsfjorden (Arctic) Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry, International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS2015), Dec.11-14, 2015, Kottayam

102. K.K. Nejumal, D. Dineep, U.K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Scanning of Pharmaceutical Waste in Periyar River in Ernakulam Region Kerala by Using UPLC-Q-ToF-MS, International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS2015), Dec.11-14, 2015, Kottayam
103. V.A. Sijumon, U.K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Enhanced degradation of atenolol by the combined treatment of zero valent iron nano particle and UV light: Probing the mechanism by HRMS, International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS2015), Dec.11-14, 2015, Kottayam
104. Subha Sasi, Dineep, Manoj P.R., Usha K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Identification and Quantification of Emerging Pollutants in a Backwater Stream in Kerala, International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (ICMS2015), Dec.11-14, 2015, Kottayam
105. G. Akhil, C. T. Aravindakumar, and U. K. Aravind, Effect of buildup pH and salt concentration on PEI/PSS multilayers as proton exchange membranes, Proc-International Conference on Membranes (ICM 2015), August 21-24, 2015, Kochi, p-38. (OP)
106. Jain Maria Thomas, C.T. Aravindakumar, U. K. Aravind, Layer by layer assembled polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes for the removal of pharmaceuticals from water, Proc-International Conference on Membranes (ICM 2015), August 21-24, 2015, Kochi, p-66
107. Mary LidiyaMathew, C.T. Aravindakumar, U. K. Aravind, Effect of pH and Deposition Salt on Transport Properties and Morphology of CHI/PAA Multilayer in Low Pressure Dye Filtration, Proc-International Conference on Membranes (ICM 2015), August 21-24, 2015, Kochi, p-67
108. Manjumol Mathew, Mary Lidiya Mathew, C.T. Aravindakumar, U. K. Aravind, Probing the Binding of Cytochrome C with Ovalbumin in Solution and Immobilized State, Proc-International Conference on Membranes (ICM 2015), August 21-24, 2015, Kochi, p-70
109. SubhaSasi, C.T. Aravindakumar, U. K. Aravind, Efficiency of polyamide membrane for the removal of an emerging contaminant- Chlorophene, Proc-International Conference on Membranes (ICM 2015), August 21-24, 2015, Kochi, p-72
110. Jisha C.,MuneerMuhammed, C. T. Aravindakumar, and Usha K. Aravind, Transport studies of lysine through CHI/PSS multilayers: Influence of feed and deposition variables, Proc-International Conference on Membranes (ICM 2015), August 21-24, 2015, Kochi, p-75.
111. Shalumon C. S.,Dineep D., C.T. Aravindakumar, U. K. Aravind, Perchlorate removal by multilayered QCS/ALG, Proc-International Conference on Membranes (ICM 2015), August 21-24, 2015, Kochi, p-77.
112. V. J. Disha, G. Akhil, C. T. Aravindakumar, and Usha K. Aravind, pH Switchable Driving Forces on Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Buildup, Proc-International Conference on Membranes (ICM 2015), August 21-24, 2015, Kochi, p-79.
113. G. Akhil, T. R. Sreelakshmi, C. T. Aravindakumar and U. K. Aravind, PEI/PSS Multilayers with Wide-Range of Tunable Wettability, Proc-International Conference on Membranes (ICM 2015), August 21-24, 2015, Kochi, p-80.
114. M. S. Baburaj, U. K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Treatment of textiles effluents using self-assembled multilayer membranes, Proc- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification, Jan.23-26, 2015, Kottayam, p-32
115. P. R. Manoj, S. Subha, C. T. Aravindakumar, U. K. Aravind, Sonochemical degradation of Methylparaben, Proc- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification, Jan.23-26, 2015, Kottayam, p-52
116. G. Akhil, M.M. Lidiya, C. Jisha, W. Judith, W. Mark, C. T. Aravindakumar, U. K. Aravind, Sustainable polyelectrolyte multilayer membrane for the treatment of textile effluents, Proc- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification, Jan.23-26, 2015, Kottayam, p-60
117. V. J. Disha, C. T. Aravindakumar, U. K. Aravind, Enrichment of sulphate and phosphate from laundry waste water using low pressure multilayer membranes, Proc- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification, Jan.23-26, 2015, Kottayam, p-68
118. M. M. Lidiya, G. Akhil, C. Jisha, W. Judith, W. Mark, C. T. Aravindakumar, U. K. Aravind, Removal of reactive dyes from dye-salt solution using Chitosan nano-membranes, Proc- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification, Jan.23-26, 2015, Kottayam, p-70

119. M.T. Jain, C. T. Aravindakumar, U. K. Aravind, Effect of PSS monolayer on removal of a model beta blocker from water, Proc- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification, Jan.23-26, 2015, Kottayam, p-74
120. S. Subha, P.R. Manoj, K.K. Nejumal, U. K. Aravind, Y. Oren, C. T. Aravindakumar, Screening of an Emerging contaminant (Chlorophene) in a backwater stream in Kerala (India) and its treatment – a sonochemical approach, Proc- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification, Jan.23-26, 2015, Kottayam, p-81
121. K. K. Nejumal, D. Dineep, U. K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Identification of emerging pollutants in Periyar River in Kerala, Proc- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification, Jan.23-26, 2015, Kottayam, p-91
122. N. B. Shibin, R. Sreekanth, G. Pramod, U. K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Oxidation reaction of hydroxy naphthoic acids in aqueous medium, Proc- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification, Jan.23-26, 2015, Kottayam, p-111
123. P. R. Manoj, U. K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Photocatalytic degradation of Lignocaine in aqueous suspension of TiO2 , Proc- International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification, Jan.23-26, 2015, Kottayam, p-125
124. G. Akhil, M.M. Lidiya, C. T. Aravindakumar, U. K. Aravind, High performance Chitosan/ poly(acrylic acid) polyelectrolyte multilayer membrane for the treatment of textile effluents, Proc- International conference on membrane based separations, March 21-23, 2015, Baroda, p-93
125. C. Jisha, M. Muneer, U. K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Transport studies of Lysine through CHI/PSS multilayers: Influence of feed and deposition variables, Proc- International conference on membrane based separations, March 21-23, 2015, Baroda, p-94
126. M. S. Baburaj, C. T. Aravindakumar, U. K. Aravind, CHI/PSS multilayer membrane matrix for the delivery of Riboflavin, Proc- International conference on membrane based separations, March 21-23, 2015, Baroda, p-96
127. R. Sreekanth, M. M. Sunil paul, T. K. Manoj kumar, U. K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Oxidative degradation of carbaryl in aqueous solutions, Proc- Third International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes, Sept.25-28, 2014, Munnar, p-45
128. K. K. Nejumal, P. R. Manoj, and Usha K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Sonochemical Degradation of Para-Aminosalicylic acid in Aqueous Medium, Proc- Third International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes, Sept.25-28, 2014, Munnar, p-62
129. K. K. Nejumal, P. R. Manoj, and Usha K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Oxidative Degradation of Para-aminosalicylic acid in Aqueous Medium, Proc- Third International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes, Sept.25-28, 2014, Munnar, p-62
130. K. K. Nejumal, P.R. Manoj, and Usha K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Sono and Photochemical Degradation Studies of Isoniazid in aqueous medium, Proc- Third International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes, Sept.25-28, 2014, Munnar, p-63
131. Sijumon V. A., Usha K. Aravind and C.T.Aravindakumar, Degradation of beta blockers by Fenton like reaction initiated by zero valent iron nano particle and UV-C light, Proc- Third International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes, Sept.25-28, 2014, Munnar, p-72
132. Sunil Paul M. Menachery, Usha K. Aravind, Gopinathan Pramod, Abhijit Saha, and Charuvila T. Aravindakumar, Hydroxyl Radical Induced Oxidation of Theophylline in Water: A Kinetic and Mechanistic Study, Proc- Third International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes, Sept.25-28, 2014, Munnar, p-98.
133. P. R. Manoj, Usha K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Photocatalytic Degradation of Lignocaine in Aqueous Suspension of TiO2, Proc- Third International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes, Sept.25-28, 2014, Munnar, p-102
134. P. R. Manoj, V. Vidyanand, Usha K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Ultrasound Assisted Mineralization of Cyanuric acid in Aqueous Medium: Combined Effect of •OH and Super Critical Water, Proc- Third International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes, Sept.25-28, 2014, Munnar, p-102
135. P. R. Manoj, Usha K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Sonochemical Degradation of Benzenesulfonic Acid, Proc- Third International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes, Sept.25-28, 2014, Munnar, p-103
136. N. B. Shibin, R. Sreekanth, G. Pramod, Usha K. Aravind, and C. T. Aravindakumar, Reaction of Hydroxyl and Sulphate Radicals with Hydroxy Naphthoic Acids, Proc- Third International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes, Sept.25-28, 2014, Munnar, p-111.
137. Akhil G., Jissy Mathew, Aravindakumar C. T., Aravind U. K.; Fabrication of Nano-Multilayer Matrix for Controlled Release of An Antimicrobial Protein, Proceedings of the 23rd Swadeshi Science Congress (November 6-8, 2013), Kottayam, p 474-477
138. Disha V. J., Aravindakumar C. T., Aravind U. K.; Recovery of phosphate from Laundry Waste Using polyelectrolyte Multilayer Membrane, Proceedings of the 23rd Swadeshi Science Congress (November 6-8, 2013), Kottayam, p 436-439
139. Disha V.J., Aravindakumar C. T., and Aravind U. K. : High flux low pressure multilayer membranes for selective phosphate recovery: Proceedings of the second international conference on membranes (October 3-6, 2013), Kottayam, p 92.
140. Disha V.J., Aravindakumar C. T., and Aravind U. K. : Interplay of feed and make up pH on the transport of Cl-/H2PO4- through PEI/PSS multilayers.: Proceedings of the second international conference on membranes (October 3-6, 2013), Kottayam, p 93.
141. Disha V.J., Aravindakumar C. T., and Aravind U. K. : Phosphate recovery by high flux low pressure multilayer membranes: Langmuir (2012) 28, 12744- 1752.
142. Disha V.J., Aravindakumar C. T., and Aravind U. K. : Recovery of phosphate
using multilayer Membranes: A path to green fertilizer: Proceedings of the
Nationalseminar on sustainable development – resend trends in meeting the
challenges, (January 20-21, 2012) Kottayam.
143. Disha V.J., Aravindakumar C. T., and Aravind U. K. : Sustainable phosphorous
144. initiative using nanomembranes: Proceedings of the Second international conference on nanomaterials-synthesis, characterization and applications (January12-15, 2012), Kottayam.
145. Disha V.J., Aravindakumar C. T., and Aravind U. K.: Recovery of phosphate using PDADMAC/PSS multilayer Membranes: A path to green fertilizer, Proceedings of the National seminar on green chemistry- The ultimate tool for pollution control, (February 14-15, 2012), Changanacherry.
146. Divyalakshmi T.V., Aravind U. K., and Aravindakumar C. T. : Lysosyme immobilized polyelectrolyte multilayer film : A Biosensor for Mercuric Chloride. Proceedings of 24th Kerala Science Congress (January 29-31 2012), p 185.
147. Divyalakshmi T.V., Aravindakumar C. T., and Aravind U. K. : Hydrophilicity of CHI PSS nanolayers: An ATR-FTIR study. Proceedings of the International conference on Nano materials, Synthesis, characterization and application (2012), p165.
148. Divyalakshmi T.V., Aravindakumar C. T., and Aravind U. K. : Interaction of glucose with protein immobilized nanolayers: a fluorescence quenching study. Proceedings of the second international conference on membranes (October 4-6,2013)
149. Divyalakshmi T.V., Aravindakumar C. T., and Aravind U. K. : Protein immobilized polyelectrolyte multilayers : A spectroscopic study. Second International conference on membranes (October 4-6,2013)
150. Divyalakshmi T.V., Aravindakumar C. T., and Aravind U. K. : Spectroscopic investigation on the interaction of hydrogen peroxide with ovalbumin. Proceedings of the second international conference on membranes (October 4-6,2013)
151. Divyalakshmi T.V., Aravindakumar C. T., and Aravind U. K. : Development of new drug delivery vehicle using polyelectrolyte multilayered membranes. Proceedings of National Seminar on Up trends in Chemistry, (March 15- 16, 2012), OP-5, page 33
152. Jain Maria Thomas, Aravindakumar C. T., and Aravind U. K.; Lysozyme Loading Studies Using Different Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules, Proceedings of the 23rd Swadeshi Science Congress (November 6-8, 2013), Kottayam, p 255-259

153. Jain Maria Thomas, C. T. Aravindakumar, and U. K. Aravind: Lysozyme loaded CHI/PMA polyelectrolyte microcapsule:Proceedings of the international conference on membranes – ICM 2013 (October 3-6, 2013), Kottayam, p 94.
154. Jisha C, Usha K. Aravind, C. T Aravindakumar: Ultrasonically induced transformations of 2′-deoxythymidine in aqueous solution: a mass spectroscopic study: Proceedings of International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry (September 6-9, 2013), Kottayam, p 89-90.
155. Jisha C., Aravind U. K., Aravindakumar C. T.; Ultrasound Induced Chemical Transformation of DNA Comstituent, Proceedings of the 23rd Swadeshi Science Congress (November 6-8, 2013), Kottayam, p 283-286
156. Jisha Chandran, Subha Sasi, Akhil G, U. K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar: Different states of water in chitosan based polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Membranes (October 3-6, 2013), Kottayam, p 98-99.
157. Manjumol Mathew, Aravindakumar C. T., Aravind U. K.; Possible Impacts of Interaction of Human Serum Albumin (HAS) with a Model pollutant, Proceedings of the 23rd Swadeshi Science Congress (November 6-8, 2013), Kottayam, p 287-290
158. Manjumol Mathew, M. S. Baburaj, S. Sreedhanya, C. T. Aravindakumar, U. K. Aravind: Single step purification of riboflavin: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Membranes – ICM 2013 (October 3-6, 2013), Kottayam, p-104.
159. Mary L. M., Akhil G., Aravindakumar C. T., Aravind U. K.; Nanostructured Membranes for Dye/Salt Separation in Textile Effluent, Proceedings of the 23rd Swadeshi Science Congress (November 6-8, 2013), Kottayam, p 389-392.
160. Shibin N. B., Sreekanth R., Usha .K. Aravind, Sarkar S.K. and C.T. Aravindakumar. Oxidation reactions of glucosamine naphthalene acetic acid and naphthalene acetic acid: A pulse radiolysis study, Proc:-National Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry (NSRP-2013), North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, March 20-22, 2013.
161. Shibin N.B., Aravind U.K., Pramod G. and C.T. Aravindakumar. Oxidation reaction of Glucosamine Naphthalene Acetic Acid by Pulse Radiolysis, Proc:- National Seminar on Uptrends in Chemical Sciences and Technology (UPCHEM- 2012), NSS Hindu college, Changanssery, Kottayam, March 15-16, 2012, pp-3.
162. Shibin N.B., Sarkar S.K. and C.T. Aravindakumar. Pulse radiolysis study of glucosamine naphthalene acetic acid, Proc:-Trombay Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry (TSRP-2012), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai,January 4-7, 2012, pp-27.
163. Sijumon V. A., Aravind U. K., Aravindakumar C. T.; Photochemical Degradation of Lignin and Tannin and its Implications in Paper Mill Effluents, Proceedings of the 23rd Swadeshi Science Congress (November 6-8, 2013), Kottayam, p 314-317
164. Sreedhanya S., Aravindakumar C. T., Aravind U. K.; Binding of a Diuretic Drug Triamterene to Serum Albumin: A Multi Spectroscopic Study, Proceedings of the 23rd Swadeshi Science Congress (November 6-8, 2013), Kottaya, p 247-250
165. Sunil P. M. Mathew, Usha K Aravind, Pramod G. and Aravindakumar C. T., Oxidative Degradation of Fensulfothion by Hydroxyl Radical in Aqueous Medium, Proc- International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes, Oct.5-8, 2012, Kottayam, p-62
166. Sunil P. M. Mathew, C.T. Aravindakumar, Usha K Aravind, Oxidative Transformation of Theophylline by Hydroxyl Radical in Aqueous Medium: A Pulse Radiolysis Study, Proc- International Conference on Advaced Oxidation Processes, Oct.5-8, 2012, Kottayam, p-82
167. Rani Varghese, C .T. Aravindakumar, Usha K Aravind, Direct photolysis of phenol: A Comparison with its Photolytic Degradation using Ferric Perchlorate, Proc- International Conference on Advaced Oxidation Processes, Oct.5-8, 2012, Kottayam, p-105
168. Shoniya Thomas, C.T. Aravindakumar, Usha K Aravind, Oxidative degradation of Acid Red 1 by Hydroxyl Radicals, Proc- International Conference on Advaced Oxidation Processes, Oct.5-8, 2012, Kottayam, p-116
169. P. R. Manoj, C.T. Aravindakumar, Usha K Aravind, Sonochemical Degradation of Coomassie Brilliant Blue, Proc- International Conference on Advaced Oxidation Processes, Oct.5-8, 2012, Kottayam, p-122
170. Shoniya Thomas, C.T. Aravindakumar, Usha K Aravind, Combined effect of Zero valent Iron Nanoparticles with Sonolysis on Decolouration and mineralization of Acid Red 1, Proc- International Conference on Advaced Oxidation Processes, Oct.5-8, 2012, Kottayam, p-236
171. V. A Sijumon, C.T. Aravindakumar, Usha K Aravind, Photochemical and Fenton treatment of paper mill and Textile effluents for the removal oforganic water pollutants, Proc- International Conference on Advaced Oxidation Processes, Oct.5-8, 2012, Kottayam, p-243
172. M. M. Sunil Paul, K. Usha and C. T. Aravindakumar; Photochemical degradation of fensulfothion in aqueous medium. Proceedings of the Trombay Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry (January 5-8, 2012), Mumbai, p 289-290.
173. Sunil P. M. Mathew, Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar; Photochemical degradation of fensulfothion in aqueous medium. Proceedings of the 24th Kerala Science Congress 2012 (January 29-31, 2012), Kottayam, p 521-523.
174. Disha V.J, C. T. Aravindakumar, and Usha K. Aravind (2012), Recovery of phosphate using
PDADMAC/PSS multilayer Membranes: A path to green fertilizer, Proc.-National seminar on
green chemistry- The ultimate tool for pollution control, February 14-15
175. Disha V.J, C. T. Aravindakumar, and Usha K. Aravind (2012), Sustainable phosphorous initiative using nanomembranes, Proc.-Second international conference on nanomaterials-synthesis, characterization and applications. Jan 12-15
176. Disha V.J, C. T. Aravindakumar, and Usha K. Aravind (2012), Recovery of phosphate using multilayer Membranes: A path to green fertilizer, National seminar on sustainable development – resend trends in meeting the challenges, January 20-21
177. Sunil P. M. Mathew, Usha K. Aravind, G. Pramod and C. T. Aravindakumar; Degradation of fensulfothion in aqueous medium by advanced oxidation processes. Proceedings of The National Seminar on Uptrends in Chemistry (March 15-16, 2012), Changanachery, p 91-93.
178. Siju Abraham, Usha K., C.T. Aravindakumar ”Photochemical and Fenton treatment of paper mill effluent for the removal of organic water pollutants” Proc.- National seminar on sustainable development: Recent trends in meeting the challenges (NSSD-2012), Kottayam, January 20-21, 2012.
179. S. Sreedhanya, Jissy Mathew, C. T. Aravindakumar, and Usha K. Aravind (2012), Surface modified Microfiltration membranes for the Separation of Amino Acids. Proc- International conference on Nano materials, Synthesis, characterization and application, Kottayam
180. Sreedhanya S., Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar (2012) Sulphasalazine binds Human Serum Albumin. Proceedings of 24th Kerala Science Congress. 04-05, page 272
181. S. Sreedhanyaa, Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar (2012), Monitoring Protein Conformational changes: A Spectroscopic Approach. Proceedings of National Seminar on Uptrends in Chemistry, Changanassery, OP-9, page 53
182. Sreedhanya S., Jissy Mathew, Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar (2012), Recovery of amino acids using polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes: A sustainable approach. Proceedings of National Seminar on Green Chemistry-The Ultimate tool for pollution control Changanasserry
183. Siju Abraham, Usha K., C.T. Aravindakumar,”Paper Effluent: Photochemical and Fenton treatment for the reduction of TOC and COD” Proc.- National seminar on green chemistry-The ultimate tool for pollution control, Changanacherry, February 14-15, 2012
184. T.V. Divyalakshmi, C. T. Aravindakumar, and Usha K. Aravind (2012), Hydrophilicity of CHI PSS nanolayers: An ATR-FTIR study. Proc.- International conference on Nano materials, Synthesis, characterization and application. Kottayam, Jan 12-15
185. T.V Divyalakshmi, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar (2012),Lysosyme immobilized polyelectrolyte multilayer film : A Biosensor for Mercuric Chloride. Proceedings of 24th Kerala Science Congress, 29-31 Jan 2012. 04-05, Kottayam, p-185
186. T.V Divyalakshmi, Usha K. Aravind , C. T. Aravindakumar (2012) Development of new drug delivery vehicle using polyelectrolyte multilayered membranes. Proceedings of National Seminar on Uptrends in Chemistry, March 15-16, Changanasserry, p- 33

187. T.V Divyalakshmi, C.T. Aravinda Kumar, Usha. K.Aravind (2012), Hydrophilic CHI / PSS nanolayers: For Fuel Cell Applications. Proceedings of National Seminar on Green Chemistry-The Ultimate tool for pollution control. February 14-15,Kottayam
188. M. S. Baburaj, Usha K Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, Interaction of Model Effluents with Selfassembled Mmebranes. Proc.-International conference on membranes: Environmental and biological applications. 2011, P-35, Page 79.
189. M. S. Baburaj, Usha K Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, Transport of ions through CHI/PSS multilayers. Proc.- International conference on membranes: Environmental and biological applications, 2011, P-36, Page 80.
190. Disha V. J, C. T. Aravindakumar, A.P. Thomas and Usha K.Aravind (2011), Transport properties of phosphate through PDADMAC/PSS multilayers, Proc.-International conference on membranes: Environmental and biological applications -2011 Sep 16-19, p-57.
191. P. Nikhil Chandra, M. S. Baburaj, Usha K Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, Removal of herbicides from water by Humic acid-chitosan multilayer system. Proc.International conference on membranes: Environmental and biological applications, 2011, P-48, Page 87.
192. T.V Divyalakshmi, M. S. Baburaj, Usha K Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, ATR-FTIR studies of CHI/PSS multilayer. Proc.-International conference on membranes: Environmental and biological applications, 2011, P-45, Page 85.
193. M. S. Baburaj, Usha K Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, Riboflavin loaded CHI/PSS multilayers, its interaction with BSA and KI. Proc.- International conference on membranes: Environmental and biological applications, 2011, YI-4, Page 46.
194. T.V Divyalakshmi, C. T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind (2011), FTIR and TGA studies of the dehydration of CHI/PSS multilayer. International conference on membranes: Environmental and biological applications-2011 Sep 16-19, 2011, page 85.
195. T.V Divyalakshmi, C. T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind (2011), Lysozyme immobilized polyelectrolyte multilayered membrane : A Spectroscopic approach. International conference on membranes: Environmental and biological applications -2011 Sep 16-19, 2011, page 86
196. T.V Divyalakshmi, U. K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar (2011), Membranes: Science and Applications. Proc.-National Seminar on New Frontiers in Chemical science and Technology, Mar18-19, 2011
197. Jissy Mathew, S. Sreedhanya, C. T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind (2011), Switchable BSA resistant and adhesive CHI/PSS multilayer membranes. Proc.-International conference on membranes: Environmental and biological applications, Sept. Kottayam,
198. M. S. Baburaj, C. T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Treatment of Model Textile effluents with PAA/CHI and PAA/PEI Nanomembranes. Proc.- International conference on Nanomaterilas, Synthesis, characterization and application, 2012, IL-16, Page 26.
199. M. S. Baburaj, C.T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Water Softening applications of Chitosan based Nanomembranes. Proc.- International conference on Nanomaterilas Synthesis, characterization and application,2012, P-56, Page 138.
200. Jissy Mathew, S. Sreedhanya, C. T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind (2011), Transport Studies of Amino Acids through Chitosan/ Polystyrene Sulfonate Multilayer Membrane. Proc.-International conference on membranes: Environmental and biological applications, Sept., Kottayam,
201. S. Sreedhanya, U. K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar (2010), Fluorescence Studies on the Interaction of Ovalbumin and Sulphasalazine, Proceedings of APSRC- Trombay Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry 2010, PC-139, p-440
202. M.S. Baburaj, C.T. Aravindakumar, and U.K. Aravind, Treatment of textile effluents using composite membrane and free radicals, Proceedings of the National Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry Nainital , March 12-14, 2009, p-RC-9
203. S. Thomas, U.K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Photo-Fenton degradation studies of orange G in aqueous solution and its loading in self-assembled polyelectrolytes membranes, Proceedings of the National Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry Nainital , March 12-14, 2009, p-PC-32

204. M.S. Baburaj, Usha.K. Aravind, and C.T. Aravindakumar, Removal of dye from textile effluents using composite membrane and free radicals, Proceeding of the International Symposium on Nano Material, Kottayam, April 2009, p-284
205. T.V. Divyalekshmi, Usha K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Sensing ability of ovalbumin immobilized CHI/TSS multi layter membranes, Proc- International Symposium on Nano Material, Kottayam, April 2009, p-285
206. T.V Divyalakshmi, U. K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar (2009), Protein immobilized multilayered membrane for sensing Applications. Proc.-International conference on nanostructured materials and nonocomposites
207. M.S. Baburaj, Usha.K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Treatment of textile effluents using composite membrane, Proc- International Conference on Polymer Blends and Composite, Sept. 2009, p-251
208. Sreedhanya S. and C. T. Aravindakumar (2008), Photochemical Studies of 5,6-diamino-1,3-dimethyl uracil hydrate, Proceeding of the National Seminar on Recent Trends in Chemistry 2008, Kottayam, p – 51
209. T.V Divyalakshmi, C.T.Aravindakumar (2008, Ovalbumin immobilized CHI/PSS multilayered membrane for sensing studies. Proceeding of the National Seminar on Recent Trends in Chemistry 2008, Nov. 6- 7, 2008, P-10, p – 52.
210. V.M. Manoj, H.Mohan, U.K. Aravind and C.T.Aravindakumar, Reduction Reactions of S-Nitrosothiols: Radiation chemical study, Proc. International Conference on Frontiers of Radiation and Photochemistry ( PHOTORADCHEM-2007), Kottayam, Feb.8-11, 2007, p-83
211. P. Manoj, K. P. Prasanthkumar,V. M. Manoj, Usha K. Aravind,T. K. Manojkumar and C. T. Aravindakumar, Laser Flash Photolysis of Substituted Triazines in Aqueous Medium, Proc. International Conference on Frontiers of Radiation and Photochemistry ( PHOTORADCHEM-2007), Kottayam, Feb.8-11, 2007, p-171
212. J. Mathew, U. K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Ultrafiltration of Bovine Serum Albumin through Chitosan/ PSS Multilayer Membranes, Proc. International symposium on advances in organic chemistry, Kottayam, Jan. 2006, p-250
213. M. S. Baburaj, C. T. Aravindakumar and U.K. Aravind, Development of Cation Selective Ultrathin Membranes Based on PEI/PMA, Proc. International symposium on advances in organic chemistry, Kottayam, Jan. 2006, p-249
214. M.S.Baburaj, J. Mathew, U.K.Aravind and C.T.Aravindakumar, (2005): Polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes for selective ion transport. Proceedings of the International conference on advances in polymer blends ,composites, IPNS and gels:macro to nano composites, Kottayam, India March 2005, PA-3, p-142.
215. U. K. Aravind, R. Vargheese, A.P.Thomas and C.T.Aravindakumar (2004): Photo-production of Hydroxyl radicals from hydrogen peroxide and Fe(III)-hyrdoxy complexes and their model reactions in clouds, fog and rain. Proc. of the XIII National Space Science Symposium (NSSS-2004), Kottayam, India, Feb 2004, p-60, TGC-37
216. R. Vargheese,K. vandana, U. k Aravind and C.T.Aravindakumar (2004): Photo-Chemical degradation of phenol in presence of ferric perchlorate , A comparison with other photochemical methods. Proc. of the TSRP, Jan 2004), Trombay, Vol 2.
217. J. Laven, Usha K. Aravind,and Van der Linde, The Chemical Drying Process in Alkyd Emulsion Paint Films Proc. International Conference in organic Coatings, July 2003, Athens, Greece.
218. Usha.k Aravind, Jozua Laven and Rob van der Linde, Transport Phenomena in Drying Alkyd Emulsion Paint , Proc. Lunteren meeting 12-13, 2001, The Netherlands
219. Film formation of coating from alkyd-emulsion based paint:cross-linking by and diffusion of oxygen, Usha k aravind, Jos Laven, and Rob van der Linde “Material research” May 8-9, 2001, Veldhoven, Netherlands.
220. Film formation of alkyd emulsion based paints Usha k aravind, Jos Laven, and Rob van der Linde, Fourth annual coating symposium, May 11, 2001 , Eindhoven, The Netherlands
221. Film formation of alkyd emulsion based paints Usha k aravind, Jos Laven, and Rob van der Linde, Fifth annual coating symposium, May 17, 2002, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

222. Chemical and Physical drying of alkyd emulsion films, Usha k aravind, Jos Laven, and Rob van der Linde , Materials research, 27 th May , 2002 Veldhoven, Netherlands.
223. AC conductivity and dielectric relaxation in Nylon-666-g-Maleic acid polyelectrolyte” K.Usha and V.N.S.Pillai, 10 th international conference on Solid State Ionics, 3-8 dec 1995, Singapore.

School of Environmental Studies, Cochin University P.O., Kochi-682022, Kerala, India